If you don't love these, we can't hang.
Whew! Glad I got that out of the way. These gingersnap cookies are literally so easy, so delicious, and so versatile.
Like a snap? Bake a smidge longer.
Like soft baked gingersnap cookies? Bake a smidge less.
Like your gingersnap cookies dipped in white chocolate - these can do it!
See why they are the best gingersnap cookies ever?
We begin baking these in October and enjoy them through January. They have a lot of ginger (actually we usually use 2T but I held back for the sake of my friends following along that don't love such a strong bite). Serve them with milk, or dip them in your morning coffee, just be sure and make some so you can see why they really are the best gingersnap cookies ever!
If you make these and don't like them, please don't let me know...I can't have that kind of negativity in my life, lol. If you make the best gingersnap cookies ever using this recipe, be sure and give us a shoutout where your make your digital presence known. We frequent Instagram and Facebook and whatnot, plus you can drop a comment below as well! Happy baking!